The day to day

 Some days are marked by special occasions, holidays or a change in the normal routine. Yesterday for us, was a quiet day just for the three of us. It wasn't any more remarkable than the day before, but I felt better overall, I felt a shift. Yesterday I felt happy, less stressed, less tired than before. 

We stopped at the park before heading to the grocery store. The river was running fast and the trees were all in bloom. Families dotted the park and walked along the path. Not too different from any other weekend, except they appeared to be walking slower. Savoring it more perhaps.

My day to day has been complicated as of late. Old troubles arising when I had worked so hard to change my mind frame, to strike out negativity, be more patient and stop obsessing so much. All of that hard work disappeared as if I had never even tried, all with one simple change in my life. 
Yesterday I realized I needed a solution. To get back to where I was, where my family was. Part of the solution to this is spending more time here, writing, picking up my camera again, at least a few times a week. Attempting to workout (when time/toddler allows), eating better, creating more, avoiding negativity, and getting out into the sunshine as often as possible. It can be a bit difficult as I work in an office, in the back with no windows, and our current apartment is darker than I would like, no direct sunlight except in my sons room. It takes commitment, it takes perseverance, it takes strength. I had lost much of that. Allowing the negativity, the 'darkness' (for lack of a better word) to take over. It takes a conscious decision and hard work to get back to a healthy place. It also takes quite a bit of strength when getting back to that place means battling yourself. 
This blog is a space for me. For creative purposes, to find inspiration and to help me get things on paper, and out of the swirling mass of my mind. Some days are easier, others harder. Some are complicated, some are exhausting. But with the right intentions, the right positive energy, the right positive thoughts, they can be beautiful. 


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