Reality Love...

I've battled with myself on an almost daily basis for years. Some days are easier/better than others. Some, it's all I can do to force myself to leave the house and face actual people. It was on one of those less than good days when I came across this post, I Know a Mama Who.
My night hadn't gone over well, my son was teething, my husband irritable and my patience evaporated in a puff of smoke. I read one blog after another, ignoring the stack of folders piling up on my desk. This one made me stop, I probably read it two or three times in a row. And over the past few weeks have come back to it quite a few times. It's real, it's raw, and made me realize, I am not the only one who has days like these, thoughts like these. I am not alone as a mom who isn't anywhere near perfect. This culture of being the perfect mom, the perfect wife, have the perfect job, perfect kids, a clean, organized house and only have organic, healthy food in her house is, excuse me, bullshit. What happened to being real? No one wants to see the dirty, nitty gritty underbelly of our home life. The world wants to see beautiful moms and babies, the effortless, fashionable way they dress, their clean homes and perfect kitchens, and happy babies. We try too hard in my opinion. It's causing more stress than we can take. It's certainly more stress than I can take.
I tried writing a blog once or twice in the past. I never hid who I was, and got enough backlash to make me quietly disappear behind the curtains in shame. It's been about 4 years, 5 moves, 1 baby, and 2 dogs later and it has taken me until now to really figure out that I am doing the best I can. I still have my days, my moments when I feel like I need to make big, dramatic changes in my life to better myself and my family, but then realize we are happy overall. Things could be a little better, we could have less debt, live in a house as opposed to an apartment, make a little more money, spend more time together as a family, drink a little less and workout more but overall, we're happy. Most days.
The bottom line, no one's perfect. What would the world be like if everyone was perfect? Pretty bloody boring if you ask me.
I am not looking for a pat on the back, for pity or anger or acceptance. We're all on this journey, whether together or individually. There are hard days and good days, sunny and rainy. I may embarrass myself, maybe post something uncomfortable or controversial. Life is what makes things interesting. Having "human" moments.

Anyway, read this. I loved it. You may too.

I Know a Mama Who


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