This Little Life

Life can throw you for a loop sometimes. Things get crazy and unexpected moments get thrown at your feet. That's kind of what the last couple of week have been. Busy, both in life and work.
I've been trying to cram as much as possible in to as little time as possible. I don't recommend it. My little family has needed a break for some time. To escape, just the three of us, no obligations, no additional family, no stress. It isn't going to happen any time within the next couple of months, but that isn't stopping me from dreaming.
My dreams have been plagued by old friends, crushes and weird life situations that may or may not have happened to a certain degree. Isn't it weird that your mind will throw things in to your dreams that you hadn't thought of in what feels like a million years? Who know, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I will be 28 here soon and it will officially be ten years since I escaped high school and embraced the chaos of real life. It may also be because I feel as though we are on the verge of a big life change. We are in love with Durango, but not in love with the cost of living, the lack of help from family (due to distance) and sick of apartments. We are working hard, ...ish, to save for our first home. We are working hard to hopefully, maybe, possibly move to a less expensive area. To have a yard, where we can transform it into our own little urban homestead. I've been day dreaming of chickens and gardens, composter's, bees, little feet equipped with rubber boots, feeling sunshine on my back and sweat dripping down my temples as we work hard to create an oasis in our backyard.
I hope to find a little more balance in my life.

I certainly haven't slowed down in the book department, have added a few others without the added time to read them. My little bug takes up most of my free time. I try to squeeze in a work out when I can, when the time and energy allows. 

Life is interesting, and no matter how hard you try, it does not slow down. I have been working at not trying to spend so much time envisioning the future and spending more time in the present. It is much harder than it sounds. But unless I am willing to let go a little, and really try to make changes that will further that future I cannot complain.
On another note, I have plans, sketched out plans for a small play teepee for my little man to play in. We will see how that works out!
The habanero carrot hot sauce is beautiful. I had to make some changes, add a little more sugar and use way less habanero to fit our preferred heat. I have plans, to grow our own peppers and make more homemade hot sauces. Really, it's an excuse to buy more fun bottles ;)


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